Recital: may 23

Just a friendly reminder our recital date is 5/23/ 15  at Christ Family Church in Fort Pierce. Recital show  times you may choose from are as follows: 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 pm, 2:00 pm, 3:30 pm or 5:00 pm

Please ensure you have selected the best show time for your family by filing out the sign up sheet at our store or by texting 561-379-2887 with the show time you prefer your child to play in,

Please also turn in orders for your professional DVD's of the show and professional photography packages ASAP! 

We still need business card sponsors or family's who wish to submit a message and ful color picture shot out! Remember, we charge $0 for this show as our gift to parents and can use your support! We love you guys!